Jan 27, 2009 21:42
Well, well. We feel like fucking shit. For the past few days, Aki and myself have accidentally forgotten to take our anti-depressants. While we were still taking them daily, we thought that were for happy and fine and probably didn't need them anymore, so when we kept forgetting, neither of us really worried much. Turns out, we need them a lot more then we originally thought while we were on them. It's only been 2 days without taking them, and already we're having nightmare after nightmare and feeling really drowsy, more then likely from the accidental cold turky we pulled. The main concern for us is though, that we were majorly wrong when we thought we didn't need the pills anymore, now that we've been off them for a mear 2 days, we've started feeling down and depressed for no reason what so fucking ever. There has been nothing bad to make us upset, and only good things have really been happening.
Basically, this is just a warning from us dumb fucks, to you, to tell you we may seem a little snappy, angry or upset and cry easily and be very emotionally un-stable until the pills kick in again.
You've probably seen her act in ways such as:
Getting overly cranky at LJ not going her way.
Getting upset very easily at something you have said
Being deffensive over something you have said or done
Overly sleepy
Not talkative
Her fears of the dark being more and more apparent
Zoning out more then usual
Feeling uncomfortable in places she usually would
Things you may see me have:
Moody (Very moody)
Raise voice easily
Crying when angry
Self Mutilating
If you see these to a more intense extent where you think you can mistake Aki for me, or either one of us is acting in these ways more then usual (in my case). We may just need a reminder to take our medication...