Merry Christmas

Dec 23, 2007 17:53

Yesterday, while driving over to a friend's house I was treated to Sublime's Santeria. Not unusual even though the song has long since reached it's pinnacle. It's a decent song. Kinda catchy and toe-tapping in its unassumingly ghetto sort of way. But it pissed me off. Not the song, but the radio's edit of it.

For some reason, the station or Citadel, their parent company, felt the need to blur out the word ass. As in, 'believe me when I say that I've got something for his punk ass.' Alright, I can accept that people in this conservative-ass area might be offended by the word ass, especially when in conjunction with punk. A punk ass rates somewhere on the ass scale between 'emo boy in girl's jeans' and 'drive a nail into it and hang a picture' ass. But, I digress.

The particular reason for my rage at this particular thing is not the omission itself, though I think blurring the word ass out of a song is ridiculous. It is the fact that the word ass is taboo to broadcast, but the message 'Daddy's got a new 45/And I won't think twice to stick that barrel straight down Sancho's throat' is perfectly acceptable to hear. What the fuck is wrong with priorities? The word ass is a naughty. Can't have our kids hearing that. But fellating a nickel/cobalt cock with a surprise bang at the end is perfectly alright for the little kiddies to hear.

Not that I find the lyrics offensive, but what. the. fuck. is wrong with that picture? Seriously. What. The. Fuck? Everything that is wrong with this country can be heard by tuning in to your local radio station. "I'm so glad that the radio station shielded my children from the word shit! That's one less thing I'll have to explain. Here kids, have a cap gun and some edited gangsta rap. You won't here the word bitch and ho, but that's alright. The not so veiled sexual references and glorifying of violence will more than make up for that!"

Jesus fucking Christ doing the moonwalk. I really hope I'm not the only one in the world who thinks that this is wrong, wrong, wrong.

While I'm at it, I couldn't help but notice a copy of the People special about celebrities who died before their time. Nevermind that people like JonBenet Ramsey are in there. Not to make light of a dead girl, but isn't she a celebrity because she died? And isn't the whole thought that someone died before their time a little presumptuous? Maybe it's just my fucked up way of thinking, but the way I see it they died right when they were supposed to. Will they be missed? Sure, but that doesn't mean that they deserve a few extra years of life. Honor their memory, certainly. Throw a big dead celebrity week festival where everyone gets to dress up and drink like one of Hollywood's paparazzi whores. Make buttons, I don't care, but don't wish everlasting life on someone just because they starred in a comedy that made you laugh out loud. They already have it. It's called a DVD.

Alright, I'm done.
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