Jan 21, 2007 23:15
Whee football. Can't wait to see what people talk about on the train tomorrow. :P
This weekend, has been exhausting. I'm not helping myself staying up to post this, but I need to keep up the habit or I'll stop entirely. That is the sad state of my dedication to anything really.
Anyway, Friday I got home from work exhausted, and was mostly useless. I got some stuff together for Saturday, but other than that, vegged. I think I pretended I was gonna clean, and pretended I was gonna do my homework, but didn't do anything productive beyond posting my photos.
Saturday morning my father and I hit a couple used car lots to see what might work for the next Marymobile. I have a few ideas now, Chevy Cavalier, Volkswagon Passat (I'd love a Beetle, but they are totally out of my current price range) Chevy Cobalt, and maybe another Ford Focus. At one lot, we found a couple of 2006 dealer demos that had the 8-Year/80,000 mile Powertrain warranty going for them, on top of still being under warranty, for totally affordable prices. So this week we'll see what my Uncle's client can dig up, or I might just go back to the Dodge dealer and get one of those. Cross your fingers for me.
From there I changed clothes and drove out to Mundelein for the Memorial for nikoliravnos' grandpa. This consisted of me running herd on the munchkin, making sure Ben didn't plow into people on his mad dashes between the fish tank (FISH!) and the staircase (SHTAIW!) and accompanying him on his search for Gram-ma. Given the black suit I was wearing I think I should have had an ear piece and wrist mike. "MiniJedi on the move, repeat, MiniJedi on the move..." I also got to play with toys, watch Thomas the Train does something or other and wrangle the squirming rugrat onto my lap when he did NOT want to stay downstairs. Then he threw me over for "Uncal ROB!" only to come crawling back again. Or perhaps he was carried by his daddy. The fun and games continued at the restaurant later when he ate my entire bowl of soup ("Soup! Moah! Pleash") and as many french fries as he could fit in his hand at once. After running himself ragged playing with his cousins, we all headed back to M and K's and Ben got into his Bears pajamas (with feet! "Go BEAWS! Go GOULD!") and watched Superman the 200 extended edition, with enough added material to make every geek in the room completely nerd out. At some point in the hours of that day I inadvertently taught him to say "boobs." :X There was much drinking and hanging out and good friends showing up and Apple Crisp. Mmmmm apple crisp. And Firefly. Watching that show makes other people think I'm funny. Or that might have been the booze. K loaned me another J.D. Robb book, wanna take bets on how long it takes my conscience to lose the battle between future cops and homework? I got home a little after midnight, chatted with my sister and passed right out.
This morning I woke up completely intending to do lots of homework. That changed to some homework (the written assignment is DONE) and lots of laundry and watching of football. Also I helped my mom get her scrapbooking gear from my aunt's house and turned my brother's room into my study. Less likely to play about on the Interwebs if the room has no computer. The brother actually called today. Mountain training hasn't killed him (I told my mom just today, if he was dead or something was wrong, they would call us), he's getting sent back to his old unit because his new commanding office evidently hates his guts, he's still deploying to the Pacific in August, but because of the Asthma he got from the Marine Corps, he's been red-flagged and can't re-enlist because of his health. YOUR MILITARY JUGGERNAUT AT WORK FOLKS! Woo-hoo! Let's go invade Syria! *grrrrrrrr*
Now, damn tired, but the purse is together, the lunch is packed, I have a fair idea of what I'm wearing tomorrow and money to park, Monday Monday here I come.
apple crisp,
marine corps,