Read Me Please!

Jun 25, 2009 12:41

Ok so I'm at home right now, SICK *heads desk* I never get sick but for some reason the forces of nature are against me this summer. I have reeeeaaaalllllllyyyyyyy bad allergies and this spring was actually quite pleasant for me but now I'm paying for it. The docs aren't sure what I have. They say it could be delayed allergy attacks, or bronchitis, or the start of another viral throat infection (which I had a few years back and it sux. It's like a cross between strep and mono cause your throat kills you but although you don't feel sick like feverish or achy you still can't do anything cause just breathing takes all your effort cause your throat is so damn swollen.)

So I have a few things to get off my chest first.


Don't worry I can still beta! Sadly I have to do it when I'm not flying high on medication cause the words literaly float on the screen. So... until I'm better... I'm changing my turn around from 24-48 hours to AT LEAST 48-72 hours or more depending on how I feel. Sorry guys but you won't believe the number of pills I have to swallow (16 at last count). I want to do my best for you guys. I can still do emergency beta's but I need a whole 24 hours and if you're shooting story ideas at me (coughJaeIncough) PLEASE LOVE ME EVEN IF I DRIVE YOU CRAZY BY ASKING WHAT OVER AND OVER CAUSE COLD/ALLERGY MEDS MAKE ME SILLY (when they are OTC like Benadryl).


There will be an update on this later but the end of July (maybe) I will be gone from Internet land for 4ish days. I will let all my Beta people and WoW people know exactly when this will be cause I can't even do emergancies (literally no internet unless I hack into some poor unsuspecting neighbor's WiFi access card but the odds of them even having one are less than 1%) If it turns out that the place I'm going does have some form of WiFi and doesn't block LJ I will let you know.


P.S. (I feel like Kyuhyun right now but) I just started World of Warcraft and I invite people to try it out. I'll give you my name so you can talk with me and if you join my realm (for US zoned people) we can do quests and dungeons and other things together (I tend to shop a lot) There's a 10 day free trial (risk free no hidden agenda. I checked) I'm a level 20 (and rising) Night Elf Hunter named Aqulalura. I'm a member of The Order of NightShade (a pro-game group) in the Farstriders realm. I'll help you level up if you decide to join.

wow, vacation, beta

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