Jan 15, 2012 21:00
So I did a bit off self-googling for the lols and one of the things to come up was my account on Fanfiction.net. I actually lost some of my old fics because of AdultFanfiction.net deleting them (I was under 18 when I posted them which is a big no-no with them) and not long after my only back ups were lost. Despite not thinking to highly of my old works I have a bit of a soft spot for them now. They're all that remains of my first years of writing and I want to share them here. I want them somewhere I will actually see them and I figure you all could use a good laugh as well. So forgive me as I spam a bit and post my old fics. If you feel so inclined, please read them, I'm sure they can entertain you even if it's just by making you laugh at how bad I was back then.*
*Let's just pretend that I got better even if I may not have. My ego, she is a tiny, fragile thing.
old fics,