New job! Gasp!

Oct 24, 2012 16:42

Random good news! I got a brand spankin' new job!

I start in two weeks at Money Tree as a teller, making $4 more an hour than I am now, plus benefits after the first ninety days - including vacation time, insurance, all the good things. I'm not sure if it's forty hours a week yet or if it's more like thirty-two, but either way I'm better off and either way, I'm ready to move on from being a barista.

As my dad put it, coffee did for me everything it could: I got through college and made a lot of great relationships. I got to work with my best friend, l_a_n_g_e_r. I made new friends. But I need to pay off my car and my student loans; I need to pay for cosplay. Someday, I would like to save up to go to Japan with my dad and stepmom and further down the road, I would like to buy a house. Can't do that making eight bucks an hour, ya know?

So I'm ready to do this thing. I'm ready for a new job. It's time to grow up just a little bit.

I feel a little mercenary leaving a job that I enjoy doing just for the money, but I've hit the ceiling at my current job and will likely not get another raise for at least a year, if not more. It's not worth the wait for me. In the words of the old Cyndi Lauper song, "Money changes everything." Still, I'm a little nervous about giving my two weeks' notice tomorrow. I really, legitimately love my boss and my coworkers and I will be sad to leave them. Especially since my manager is going on vacation in a week and will be scrambling to replace me; I know I'm leaving them in a tough position. Writing my two weeks' letter and talking to my box tomorrow is going to be hard but it's time. Opportunity knocks but it doesn't beg.

Regardless of my nerves and my sadness at leaving my current job, I'm excited for a new door opening and I feel like I can only go up from here.

"The use of money is all the advantage there is in having money."

funemployment is never fun, lock s-foils in attack position, i'll hold and you punch, four years? i'll do it in three, ch-ch-changes

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