I've been playing a lot of FFXII lately. I bought it for Mandy for Christmas, though it actually got here in the new year, but I've been getting the most use out of it so far. She wanted to finish Okami before she started it; I guess it's just me, Fran, Balthier, and Basch, all on our lonesome. Poor us.
I'm sure we'll muddle through.
Especially with a fox bunny like Fran as our mistress.
I'm very sorry to folks like
vadalia, who's back in school already and being attacked by lectures, and to
destry for her workaholic ways. Seems like everybody is buried alive under obligations this month. Fucking January. It started off so well, and now I can't face this life alone, in the words of Queen. Except that I'm not naked and far from home, but slacking off on Heero instead of playing even more FFXII, and instead of catching up on my sleep properly. I have a nine-hour shift tomorrow that I'm not necessarily dreading, but I want to be able to welcome Sir Snax to Boise, and that's not gonna happen with the way things are. I don't even remember who I'm closing with, either.
Guilty confession time (no, it is not Fran-related): I've been watching Hetalia, as per
jyuufish's suggestion. I am very suggestible about anime. So I started Hetalia and as loathsome as I frequently find the fandom, the anime is cute. It's also really easy to get busy for a week and come back to pick up where you left off, 'cause it's cracktastic and its plot, while present, is often jumpy and just plain silly. Normally, I'm not into that kind of thing, but it's so cute that I couldn't resist! ^_^
So far, my favorite is Germany. His interactions with Italy crack me up. Italy lives to infuriate him, unintentionally of course, and to make his life difficult. Meanwhile, Germany lives to impose order and to have it thrown back in his face, only for him to make another attempt. The fruitless struggle is funny. Poor, poor Germany. Saddled with idiot allies, whom he nevertheless loves; I think he looks at Italy as his only friend, in some sense. And I know that Germany is really Italy's only friend. It makes sense that I maybe kinda sorta 'ship them together. I want Germany to tug on Italy's little stray curl and make him obey. (Insert loud, theatrical coughing here.) Kinda like I want England to steal America's glasses and make him reclaim them through sexual favors. Those two are adorable together, too, even if there is that faint father-son kind of dynamic between the countries that makes it, er, questionable to consider. If you think about it. Which you really shouldn't; it's Hetalia! It requires little to no brain power! Even history-illiterate people can enjoy it!
But of course, I think it's even funnier if you're into history. You can laugh at all the in-jokes about the countries' interactions, and make fun of Italy for getting repeatedly stomped into the ground. Poor Italy. No wonder he's so crazy. His country has had a steady string of defeats for hundreds of years! He needs a strong hand like Germany's to keep him standing - if he can stay still long enough when presented with the prospect of pasta.
I don't even like pasta and I think Italy is cute. And I don't even like food-obsessed characters and I still think he's cute! I must be drunk. Or on crack. Anime crack.
"The great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up."