What a day it's been! A day in the life of homework assignments and preparation for finals. Ick!

Dec 09, 2009 22:17

Here's another meme! euphoric_aria tagged me for this one. I couldn't say no, even if I wanted to. Here goes!

Who sleeps in bed next to you?
No one. My kitty, Orange, should count, though, and Mandy's cocker spaniels, Jill and Beau.

What did you last eat?
I ate dinner. Which consisted of scalloped potatoes, green beans with onions and bacon, and lemon tarragon salmon fillets, and shockingly, I made it myself. It was pretty good! I should've made more salmon.

What kind of books do you read?
Fantasy books all the time, historical fiction, anything postmodern and whacky, science fiction - whatever I can get my hands on, but fantasy books are my first love. The only kind of book I don't typically read is horror books, like Stephen King that isn't the Dark Tower series.

What are you reading right now?
I'm supposed to be reading a book called Strategic Reading for my teaching English Literature class tomorrow, but fuck that. I'm reading Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmody instead.

If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
In a bank vault full of a million dollars. To be more specific, a bank vault belonging to me, full of my million dollars. That's what I'd like!

What's really creepy?
Feeling watched while you're in the shower.

Name one odd item within five feet of you.
A garbage bag full of sheets. (It's how I decided to transport them from my mom's house, for whatever idiotic reason.)

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Oh, why don't you just ask me to stop the moon from falling on Termina in only one day, without using the Song of Time? D; It's so hard to narrow it down to one! I'll go with a three-way tie: Final Fantasy XII, Bleach (never thought I'd say that), and Gankutsuou.

What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Finish my EdTech portfolio early, rather than going down to the wire. Procrastination it is!

What are you most excited for?
Getting everything - including my kitty - moved in here, the end of the semester, working on cosplay with the group on Sunday, and my stupid desire to bake something from scratch. The last brownies we made were from a box, and you can tell the difference.

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, y!Gallery, AFFN, Facebook, and FictionPress.

What was the last thing you bought?
Toothpaste. How dull!

What do you want right this minute, off the top of your head?
Money, money, money; must be funny in the rich man's world.

What's your biggest procrastination method?
Yeah, it's totally the Internet. Holy Yevon, do I spend an inordinate amount of time online doing things I'm not supposed to be doing, during times I need to be doing something else!

Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?
I miss our "roleplay" kind of games in the backyard. We'd sit on the swings for hours and talk through days upon days upon months in the lives of the characters we created. I miss that kind of openness and creativity.

Spring, summer, fall, or winter?
Fall and winter. I loathe summer and I've grown more ambivalent toward spring, though I do love to see everything turn green again.

Say something to the person who tagged you.
Kels/Kelska! :DDD Glad I'm commenting in your LJ again, 'cause it feels like forever since I've talked to you about anything - life, fic, fandom, anything. I have been meaning to reconnect but haven't done it. ♥ I'm glad you posted these memes, though, because I got to learn new things about you, and I would probably have never gotten my dander up to ask, or would have assumed I already knew.

Actually, I just finished my portfolio for Educational Technology, after working on it for a week. I could strangle myself if I have to explain my rationale for using WebQuests as a teaching tool one more time - come to think of it, talking about any technology in teaching is going to sound immensely unattractive to me for at least a month from this point on. Blech. I'm exhausted from the homework overload today. As much as I wanted to go Christmas shopping with Mandy, I'm relieved she decided not to. I wouldn't be done with my portfolio yet and able to concentrate on my Korean presentation for tomorrow.

At least the presentation isn't too hard to memorize. Some of it is singing, which makes everything easier to memorize, if you ask me. I don't know if Axel would agree with me, but I bet he would. ^_~

So, left on my to-do list is: finish my portfolio for English 481, a.k.a. Teaching Literature for Use in Junior and Senior High Schools. Collect materials for my English 301 final, since it's an essay final but we can bring whatever we want to help us complete it. Work on memorizing my part for the Korean presentation. Die in a fire like Balmung after doing all this homework. Yeah, that's totally on my list.

In a way, I'm glad my hours look abysmal this week. I needed the three days off in a row to complete all this nonsense without staying up till three AM! I mean, fuck, this morning, I woke up so dizzy I could barely stand up in the shower, much less walk to the bathroom, which is right across the hall from my room. I threw up the medicine Mandy got for me, and I'm surprised I managed to get dressed and put my makeup on. D: Stupidly, I got behind the wheel of Sandrock Custom to drive to class in the below freezing weather, forgetting my scarf, hat, and gloves, and subsequently freezing to death. Luckily, my Korean conversation lab ended early because Suin didn't want to be there any more than we did, and my study group for the Korean presentation was at four, so I left lab and came home to take a long nap. It shook off most of the dizziness, and the nausea. I'm well enough now that I finally got food down and got hydrated, and polished off the aforementioned EdTech Portfolio of Doom and Gloom™. I'd better not be sick again tomorrow. It was such a random act of senseless illness. If it comes back, I'm getting it with a Kalashnikov in the night.

Everybody else, take care of yourselves! Don't get sick! Vitamin C is your best friend right now - it's definitely my best friend! Second to my kitty, whom I miss like candy. I need to go see him soon, or die trying.

"How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven."

got it memorized, blame your fate, .edu, not with a bang, memes, must be some toros in the atmosphere, 씻어라 야 좀 씻어라

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