Likes and Loathes: je veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche. Starbucks and I are not friends!

Nov 11, 2009 14:07

Things I like today:
1. Lady Gaga's Bad Romance video. I told l-a-n-g-e-r last night: I was impressed with Gaga in this video. I think it is, as the Langerang herself would put it, "Fresher than your mother." Totally shamelessly, I love the song, and equally shamelessly, I watched the video three times last night, and again this morning while I was downloading Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" in another browser window. ♥ The best part for me is the dance sequence with Lady Gaga in a tiny mesh top and little silver shorts, dancing in front of an appreciative audience staring at her like a piece of meat on the block. The video somehow makes a statement to me about Gaga being an object, and at first embracing that, but then breaking out of it as she grows tired of being objectified. The ending of the video? Delicious. The scenes of Gaga seeming to almost wail, "I don't want to be friends!"? Fascinating. It's hard to enthrall me with a video enough that I want to watch it multiple times, but she succeeded with this one.

If you want to download the song, I have the radio edit here and the album version here. (Sorry for using Rapidshit, but I hate registering at sites like FileDen.)

2. Watching "The Universe" on Hulu. I started last night, as a way to help myself sleep; I didn't want to watch a movie, and the Nova special on the moai that I downloaded wasn't as good as I thought it would be, so I went to an old standby: astronomy. I love astronomy. I wish I were smart enough to be an astronomer, rich enough to own a telescope, and good enough at math that I could sit around and casually calculate stellar parallax. *^^* Unfortunately, I'm an idiot when it comes to math, so I stick to conceptual knowledge. There are things I dislike about this series, but it was interesting enough that I kept watching it. I'm on "Mercury and Venus - The Inner Planets" now. Next, I'm skipping to "Saturn: The Lord of the Rings" because Saturn is now tied with Uranus to be my favorite planet, and was always my favorite when I was a kid.

3. Doing well at 받아쓰기 (dictation) in Korean class. It gives me so much confidence to see how much better I'm getting. It also inspires me to want to crack out my Japanese textbook and start reviewing soon, since I'm taking a special topics course on kanji and onomatopoeia next semester. I wish I could take Korean next semester, too, but I don't know if I'll be able to fit it into my schedule, which saddens me...I'm starting to be able to communicate in Korean, finally!

Things I loathe today:
1. Having hot Americano spilled on my leg at the Starfucks on campus. This was their last chance to redeem themselves in my eyes, since they always screw up my order. Instead of redemption, they now receive my wrath. As I was reaching out to take my drink from the barista, she fumbled it and it splashed all over my right leg and my hand, and all over the floor and counter. I let out a squeak and jumped away from it, then went to get napkins to help clean up the mess, while the barista disappeared somewhere and didn't come back. Another barista had to remake my drink. Maybe this makes me an entitlement bitch, but I expected to get my drink for free, since my first one spilled on me and gave me such a shock (luckily, I wasn't burned, just startled and stained). In any case, I didn't get my drink for free, so whatever. I'm spreading the word that people shouldn't visit that store anymore, and I'm considering writing a letter to say that I wasn't happy with the way they handled the accident. The least they could do is ask, "Are you okay?" which they didn't. The girl just said she was sorry and darted off somewhere without offering me a napkin or rag to help wipe off my hand and leg, and another barista had to come out with a rag to help me clean up the floor and counter, since the first girl ran off. He was much nicer and said he was sorry and that he would clean the rest up.

Still, that's not how I would handle this situation. I've never spilled on a customer, but if I did, I would be apologizing, grabbing napkins, asking them if their hand or leg or whatever was all right, giving them free drink coupons, and would definitely give them their current drink for free. The least you can do is ask after the person's well-being, even if you can't comp the drink or comp a future drink. That's my opinion. I didn't want to be an entitlement bitch, though, so I didn't ask the cashier to refund my drink. I just accepted it, told the much friendlier guy barista to have a good morning, and went about adding my cream and sweeteners. I did think that maybe I should ask for a comp or a refund, but I decided it wasn't worth it, especially since having to clean up and remake my drink was making me late for Korean lab.

BSU students, don't go to the Starbucks on campus! No cup of coffee is worth that. Go to Moxie, to Java City, or even Dawson's 4.0 before you brave the horror and heart of darkness that is Starbucks.

"He who is ignorant of other languages is ignorant of his own."

pi x atoli otp, stargazing that i wish you saw, bleeding hearts and women, dishonor on your cow, add instructor trepe to the list, jedi master tal-ar

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