Gah, I'm tired. Although I went to bed early, I kept waking up at ungodly hours of the morning in a weird, panicked state. First, I heard Chiyori crying and I woke up, got out of bed, and went to check on her, only to see that of course, Ako was taking care of her. Then I woke up three more times - all of this before six thirty AM, mind you - thinking I was late for work. I finally woke up at eight thirty and I've resisted the urge to nap.
One thing about my new job is both a blessing and a curse. Being a cashier means I stay mostly in one place all the time, so I don't have to run willy-nilly all over the store. It also means that I don't learn as much about the products except by what customers and other employees say, and my own experience.
Since my feet kill me more when I've been in one place than when I've been walking around, I'm looking forward to going back to school and having an excuse to have two whole days off each week, dedicated to classes. I set up my class schedule so that I go to class from noon to one fifty on Mondays and will be able to close at work that night. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have class from ten in the morning till either six thirty or nine thirty, depending on the day. I have a nighttime physics lab from six forty to nine thirty on Tuesday. It sounds psychotic to be taking a class that's set up like that, but I don't mind. It'll knock things out and give me a chance to do homework in the long breaks between classes, and I'll have entire days available for work and making money!
Making money really isn't my goal in life, I swear. As Mandy mentioned in her LJ, being a teacher doesn't mean being rich. But it does mean being happy, and I only see myself being happy as a teacher. If that means sacrificing a huge paycheck, so be it. I'll get over it. I'll cry when the bills come in, and when I can't afford new books every week, but I'll get over it. Lifetime happiness can't be measured by the things your paycheck can buy, anyway, as much as I'd like to believe it really can. It can only be measured subjectively, based off my feelings about my job, and I love teaching and tutoring. I love very little else and can't see myself being a doctor or a lawyer, much less something like an accountant or an engineer. I'll never go where the money goes and that's okay. I'd rather be instilling feelings of fear and loathing in a classroom full of brats. (Despite my tone, I really do like teaching; I just happen to know that I'll be strict as all get-out and I'll make sure no one crosses me or even dreams of it.) I'd rather keep going to school my whole life, getting my master's, taking additional classes, spending my summers doing research and keeping my brain from becoming a messy mush of uselessness, than finish school and hate the rest of my miserable existence because I decided to do something stupid like go into business.
No offense to business majors or office-types; it's not my cup of tea at all. As much as I hate bureaucracy, I'm willing to deal with it for my own sanity and to improve upon - to build and paint and furnish and redecorate and spiff up - of my students. Though I fully intend on making their lives as miserable as they dare to make mine, and even more so, because I'm an angry, curmudgeony bitch and I have the power. >DDD
Damn you,
l-a-n-g-e-r. Now you've got me talking about teaching, too, and wishing I could take an education class this semester.
Instead, I'll be trying to convince PSU that my education class at BSU should count for education credit instead of general lower division credit. That means getting a course description printed from BSU's catalog and taking the description to my academic advisor to argue my case. I will come before them to resolve this attack on my sovereignty now. And if that body is not capable of action, I will suggest new leadership and call for a vote of "no confidence." I'll get them to recognize my education credits. I'll do it if I have to burn down all of Paris!
"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."