Rambling at o'dark-thirty, live from New York: it's not about the smile you wear

Jun 20, 2009 04:05

Random: if anyone knows of any song titles that involve the word "purple" or "violet," other than Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix, Purple Rain by Prince, and Purple the Orion by Da Pump, would you share your knowledge? ^_^ Pretty please?

Less random: I have a little over a week till I move and I am scared out of my ever-loving, ever-fucking mind. I can't really put it to words right now, so I won't try to. It'd come out sounding pathetic and self-pitying, and I truly try not to be self-pitying and whiny as shit when I don't have to be. I don't really have a right to be, after all; I'm getting what I want here. Nobody forced me to move to Portland. I made my choice. This is my choice.

I've been wasting my life dinking around on making icons and writing random drabbly-type-things rather than doing what I'm supposed to. I finished out my time at work and went out to dinner with Zelly's family as her going away party sort of deal, though it wasn't a party so much as us sitting around the table talking for a couple hours. Which was fine with me, 'cause the party atmosphere doesn't so much agree with me. I tend to feel lost and confused and wind up standing in the middle of the room, talking to people till the party dissipates and I'm freed from my prison.

In the last five days, I'm pretty sure I've made thirteen or fourteen icons. I've written two thingies that will eventually show up here, when Zelly proofreads them and when the second one is more polished. I've eaten badly and went out for my last allowed clothes shopping expedition, this time with Kari instead of Zelly, because Zelly hates clothes shopping with me and even more with her sister. Apparently, Kari and I are perfect shopping buddies because we shop "the same way," as Zell puts it. I just think Zell's a logic-humping, green-blooded hobgoblin who loves Wookiees a little too much, but that's mixing fandoms and all that. I'm pretty sure someone, somewhere, would consider that a crime.

I got a fantastic black dress at Forever 21, the store which so frequently surpasses my expectations. Sure, their racks are a hellish mess and it can be tough extracting what you want, but that's normal for any trendy clothing store. I've actually found that their clothes aren't as cheap as everyone claims they are. I have good luck there, anyway. That counts for something. Anyway, this black dress is so cute that I've got to get a photo of myself in it so I can show y'all what I mean. I, like, never wear anything like it, but it's casual enough for me to dress it down and not feel like a jackass. Put a blazer over it, wear some heels, and it's suddenly a lot dressier! I love that. And all for less than twenty-five bucks. Fuck, yes. And I don't have to buy new shoes or accessories to go with it! Major awesome points there. It's the plus-four dress of BAMFery, or something. Though it's too cute to really be a BAMF.

I am not a nerd.

I am, however, proud of myself for helping Kari pick out some equally BAMFing summer dresses. Hers are a little bit less versatile than my black one, in the sense that they're more party and fun oriented than something she could wear to work, but they're so cute and they were so cheap that I saw no point in trying to dissuade her. Instead, I encouraged her and helped to poison her mind. Bwaha. XD I excel at that, I think.

I'm gonna eat Zelly's cat later. OMNOM. That thing is enormously fat and decides to step all over my stomach at incredibly inconvenient times. I don't know why I'm thinking of this, but I am, so...Sasha is gonna be kitty bacon if she doesn't guard herself. "Dangerous, dangerous!" as the S4 man (think DDR man, only less articulate) would say.

After all this random nattering at, like, four AM, I really have got to go to bed. I need to wake up tomorrow morning to march in the pride parade downtown. ♥ I'm excited; it's the first year I'll be able to go since my sophomore year of high school, 'cause I've been working every year but this one. It's definitely something to look forward to, and something that makes me feel like I'm taking even more steps into a larger world. Fwee!

"Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold."

well i could pull my pants up, must be some toros in the atmosphere, like a tanpopo in the wind, i swear i'm grown up, the sublimely magnificent jecht shot

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