Yay, it's another election coming up! (Hey, bear with me, I'm Swedish. Having the opportunity to participate in elections outside September every fourth year is still a novelty for me.) Which means funny test results for the shameless election geek that I am. And yes,
nighteevee, I've already used my voting privilege, so don't worry. Although had I known it would be possible to actually vote in advance at my uni this last week, I wouldn't have had to walk through half the town to the library voting station the week before. Oh well.
So to sum these fun tests up, I'm left/green in Germany, green in Finland, conservative/liberal in Sweden, and whatever I feel for in Denmark. While I should apparently not vote for conservatives in Germany, and greens or left in Sweden.
Political right-left scales makes such sense, no? Or you could just say that Swedish politics are weird I suppose. Welcome to the land in the mirror-world.
(And no, I didn't vote in accordance to my #1 Swedish result.)
http://event.faz.net/wom/euro/main_app.php(SPD = social democrats, Die Linke = left/ex-communist, Grüne = green)
http://www.dn.se/fordjupning/europa2009/vad-ska-du-rosta-pa-i-eu-valet-1.869858(Kristdemokraterna = christian democrats, Folkpartiet = liberal, centerpartiet = liberal, socialdemokraterna = social democrats (yeah, you probably figured that last one out yourself))
http://special.hbl.fi/valmaskin/(De Gröna = green, Vänsterförbundet = left)
And Denmark:
http://www.dr.dk/Nyheder/Temaer/2009/Europa/Stemmesedlen/Stemmesedlen.htm&start=testdineholdninger(Radikale venstre = centre, socialdemokraterne = social democrats, Venstre = liberal, Det konservative folkeparti = conservative)
On a different, but actually somewhat similar topic, an excerpt of a morning conversation:
Me to my dad: "Is it some kind of holiday today since you don't get any morning newspaper?"
Dad: "Yes, it's Sweden's national day."
Me: "Oh..."
I know it is the D-day anniversary, and I know it is EU election day tomorrow. But remembering my own country's national day... Why should I do that?