Mellos not girly: Are you enjoying your return?
unlikely seme: ... not really!
unlikely seme: I'm bored.
Mellos not girly: HAHAHA that bites
unlikely seme: I mean, I was already here (at the desk) every night, anyway ... usually dicking around, reading old things.
unlikely seme: This mini-spam from my friend has been nice, but otherwise ...
Mellos not girly: is it lacking?
Mellos not girly: or
Mellos not girly: did you just not miss it as much as you expected?
Mellos not girly: OR WHAT?
Mellos not girly: AM I NOT PRETTY ENOUGH?
Mellos not girly: BOTOX?
Mellos not girly: PLASTIC SURGEY?
Mellos not girly: PREGNANCY.
unlikely seme: ...
unlikely seme: The first thing I would suggest
unlikely seme: is to calm the fuck down.
Mellos not girly: Fine.
Mellos not girly: I'll fall back into that slump I'm trying to escape
Mellos not girly: Just for you.
unlikely seme: I don't want that, dummy.
Mellos not girly: Then what do you want?
unlikely seme: ... more cookies would be awesome.
Mellos not girly: I can't magic those.
unlikely seme: You can't magic your way out of a paper bag!
Mellos not girly: I could try.
unlikely seme: Get in the bag.