May 30, 2010 09:58
So, I'm alive and surprisingly a lot better about life than I was a few weeks ago.
Maybe it's because I'm at FANIME!!!
or it might be because everything that happened between me and my ex led me to meet someone else. Yes a guy, and yes I know its really soon. He doesn't live near me... AT ALL. And he's really just an awesome guy. I enjoy talking to him and he lets me spout my mouth off. And I'm holding on to him because... well why shouldn't I? Why shouldn't I keep someone in my life that makes me happy? Because he lives so far away, it's almost safe. If we meet, we meet. If not, we don't. But he'll still be a friend. And I'm happy. And right now, that's what matters.
But anyway, back to FANIME!!! w00t!!! We've got hecka stuff planned for today. Hentai nights last night was HILARIOUS! Cantaloupe Collector was the show we stayed for. The other people in the room made it, yelling and cracking jokes. Plus the hand checks every ten minutes!!!
A lot of people have noticed my Yuki Sohma (rat) tattoo and Shinbo's Kyo Sohma (cat) tattoo. At one point we had a mob of people taking pictures of them!!! Its like cosplay without the expensive clothes!!! LOL
The Karaoke hall is HILARIOUS this year. Shinbo and I stayed for hours!!
But we're about to be off so have a good day and know that I will!!! LOL!!!