Title: Restless Soul
Genre: elegy
Characters: T.E. Shaw.
Table: 2
Prompt: #34: Leave
Word Count: 461
Rating: G
Summary: The last week of T.E. Shaw, former T.E. Lawrence, who was made Lawrence of Arabia by the press just after his death was confirmed.
Restless Soul
To Henry Williamson
[Telegram, postmarked 13 May 35]
Lunch Tuesday wet fine cottage one mile north Bovington Camp
* * * *
Tue - 14 May 35
I’m hearing voices - some, I think. It’s English I’m sure but I’m not able to understand it. Can’t say why, maybe out of case I’m also unable to speak. I must be in a very strange physical condition. Until I know what’s happened I’m going to sleep now.
Wed - 15 May 35
Thought I woke up at midday, buzzling around cause of missing half the day but couldn’t stand up. Wanted to go outside for some woodcutting stuff, but anyway couldn’t move a single muscle - couldn’t even feel. What I’m able to see, to watch at - NIL. But I’m still able to think and that’s really frustrating: a pulsing soul in a dead body … please, don’t let it last too long!
Thu - 16 May 35
Still here - in an unbalanced sphere between life and death. That’s not exactly what I was hoping for my last days. I was hoping for an early sudden death. Now it’s early but not sudden. You never can’t get anything you want at all!
Fri - 17 May 35
Today or what I may call today I could see slight shadows of purple light. There is also a sweet smell of melons and strawberries - very intensive. I wish I could have some once again.
Sat - 18 May 35
Can’t remember on much in my life, maybe that’s fine. My body gets weaker every second and my brain isn’t also the best. But there is still a glimmer of life in me. I’m asking why. I want to have rest at last, quietness, peace, darkness and release.
* * * *
Oxford Mail
Sun - 19 May 35
The “Oxford Mail” deeply regrets to announce that Lawrence of Arabia is dead. The end came shortly after 8 a.m.
Thus, in a motor cycle accident, perished the greatest mystery figure of modern times, the man who preferred to be known as T.E. Shaw rather than by the name that had become famous, the adventurer who joined the Royal Air Force in order to hide his identity from the public gaze, the glamorous Wartime leader on whose head the Turks put the price of £10,000.
Thus, too, perishes perhaps the greatest Oxford man of his time. As a boy he was a pupil of the Oxford High School. Later he went to Jesus College and was elected to a Demyship of Magdalen.
The distinguished Oxford physician, Sir E. Farquhar Buzzard, had been called into consultation. But all was of no avail. Lawrence of Arabia died at the age of 46 in the Military Hospital of Bovington Camp, Dorset.
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