La la... procrascination is fun... sing it with me...!

Nov 06, 2006 00:11

I'm bored, and lonely,
so I figured "hey lets forego sleep to bother people with blogging," so here goes!

When I went to the US I had a ton of pullips and clothes waiting for me that I'd bought and had shipped to my friend in AZ-- (due to costs shipping to Australia)-- unfortunately, it was so many I couldn't bring them all back with me! I had: Paja, Carol, Oren, Fourrure (my second), Mercu, Anne, Wind and Nomado-- waiting for me! Hee! They're all mine with the exception of Nomado, which was my present to him (he plays guitar, so it suited). Seeing them all in person was kinda over-whelming and there were so many that it was difficult to bond with them all.

Paja: Not what I expected. I think I was a little disappointed in her. Maybe it's because she's so popular
Because I see her everywhere
I rewigged her while I was over there but I didn't bond. The new wig I used, it's not her wig anyways, it's Panda's (proposed) brown wig, but its the only actual wig I had with me at the time. XD - The wig I planned for Paja is going to be auburn. I'm hoping that after that I'll bond with her properly. I feel kinda awful that I'm saying I didn't like her that much. I'm sure a ton of people want to smack me for that comment. XD (Or want to buy her from me). I'm sorry, Paja!

Carol: Adorable, absolutely gorgeous, I got her in June for a steal and boy am I ever glad I did! Her skintone seems so dark compared to the others, and her hair is a little dry. But I luff her. She has a sweet little face and looks so at home in retro clothes. I didn't bring her with because I didn't have the space, but I HOPE she gets sent to me soon. She's kinda different to what I expected, too... sometimes she seems less sad, sometimes more sad. I love her though.

Oren: This was a surprise gift from my BF seeing as I'd sold my first Oren due to a flaw the previous owner didn't disclose and that upset me. This Oren was NRFB. She is amazing, and I am glad he got her for me after all even though at first I wasn't sure I wanted another. She has a name all planned: Ren. She was going to be my gothiloli girl but I dressed her in fruits style and she looks fantastic like that, too! So I'm having problems deciding on her personality.

Anne: I fell for Anne immediately, so much so that she's the girl I decided to bring back with me, (her and Mitzi, leaving Panda and Chicca behind.
. I'm a bad mom). XD I can't get over how cute she was. She stole my heart straight away. It's funny how that happens with some girls and not others... some you have to work to bond with. Maybe its her freckles or the fact she wasn't very popular till long after her initial release
I don't know. I LOVE her freckles though. They're my fave part of her, for sure. *hugs her* I can't bear to undo her braids so I don't know what to do. I like her hair colour so I'm contemplating getting a similar color wig so I can rewig her and leave her braids intact. (Anal, I know). Also she had super melty butt, but I luff her anyways.

Mercu: I don't know what to think about her. She's a darling, but her hairstyle doesn't do it for me... Her hair was softer than I thought, though. I'm hoping I'll like her more when I rewig her. I put her in an outfit combo that looked super awesome, though, and I really loved that look. I took a pic, but it was a crappy one as it was too hot to go outside to bother posing her (plus I'm a lazy ass).

Fourrure #2: I am amazed that I'm bonding with this Fourrure differently to my original Fourrure (which I gave to my mother for mothers day). Fourrure is another that stole my heart from the box. She has a sweet looking face which took me by surprise. I like my original Fourrure more, but it may just be a case of 'been there, done that' (like with Oren) which made me not want to pay much attention to her while I was in the US. I don't know.

Wind Wind is intense looking. That's the only way I can describe it. She has an intense stare and look, she omits 'cool' vibes, too-- and she looks very grown up! She definitely looks the most grown up of all my girls. It's different seeing very very shiny eyes (they remind me of Blythes)... they make her gaze seem very piercing. I think her stock outfit doesn't suit her at all. Also I got the bike with my Wind-- so I was very lucky. The bike was very cute. It's heavy! Man! It's all metal and its a little cumbersome. I had to leave it behind. It's nice though. I had fun dressing Wind but I was at a loss as to her personality... her hair was a mess to do anything with. (Mercu had the same problem). I want to straighten it as soon as I get here in in Australia!

Nomado: Nomado is STUNNING. Amazing in person. Her hair/dreads are silky and smooth. I fell for her immediately, she exudes cool. I was amazed, as I bought her for DamDam, not myself. Now I want her for myself! ;) She was the one I saw and bonded with immediately and she's technically not mine! Do'h! I can't get over how wonderful Nomado is. I love her! At least I got to name her-- Maddie (Madeline).

I know I want another pullip but I've no idea who to choose next. I think my friend Eri is starting to think I hate type 3s XD because I have none. It's not true! I just haven't been: 'omg, luff!' with any. I'm starting to feel I want another girl and it's becoming a toss up between two girls in particular... I can't decide.

I like ALL the Taeyangs so I was thinking I might just start on them instead. After all I got 4 out right now!
But who to start with...

And I like the DaL's okay, but I am thankful I'm not getting the 'omg need' vibe. I don't need ANOTHER hobby, haha. XD

anne, carol, fourrure, taeyang, oren, pullip, mercu, wind, paja, nomado

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