Mar 27, 2008 15:57

So, I don't know what the heck is wrong with me, but I think I caught a bug from work. I had a fever last night, and I felt crappy all day (achy bones, headache, upset tummy, fever). When I went to bed I got the chills and even though it wasn't that cold last night, I had three blankets on. It took forever for the paracetemol to kick in. It sucks because it was my day off. D= DARN IT.

I feel a little better today, my fever went but its bordering on coming back. I'm a little worried it'll come back tonight. Also my tummy is still a little bit weird, and in the oddest way: I feel hungry all the time, and I keep craving fat-rich and protein rich foods. Like right now I'm craving Red Rooster (that's a roast chicken chain here in Aus). *dies* It's weird, because when I usually get the flu or something, my appetite closes up. So I don't know why I just feel like I haven't eaten for days. D= I don't know if I should give in to the feeling and eat what I want, or if its a tummy bug and I shouldn't eat much.

I got Aubrey, and she's really cute-- but I don't like her hair. It's shorter than it looks, imo. I was thinking of getting her a mohair wig somehow, (as rerooting her will cost too much and be too permanent, I imagine) but what colors would be good? I was undecided between pink, blue, brown, auburn and white. What do you all think? I'm undecided about chopping her hair off though, and I think RBLs will only take the scalps of other RBLs? So getting another scalp might be hard.

I also want to sand-matte her, and I can't stand her body. I thought her arms had outward rotation (like the newer barbies) but I should have realized it's just up and down. I was thinking of getting her a more articulate body... just don't know which.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I hate her orange/pink chips, too. They don't suit her at all, in my opinion. I hope the gluestick thing will work on her, because I want to replace them. I'm hoping for grey/brown, I think.

Also edited a little for language. x3
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