Common Cause Rewrite 2.0: Day 1 (August 1, 2019)

Aug 01, 2019 22:54

Today has been a day of doing more thinking than actually writing. Mainly because I have determined that I need to flesh out some aspects of the story, specifically which Autobots and which Joes would be teaming up together for the joint GI Joe/Autobot training exercises that help spark the action of the story.

Some characters are pretty much givens, but since I've decided to add a chapter that goes into more detail about the Joe/Autobot team-up, I want some more names.

Thankfully, GI Joe and Transformers fandoms are the sort where finding lists of information on characters, like ranks and specialties is pretty freaking easy. And, thanks to my newfound love of spreadsheets, I've been working on a spreadsheet to help me figure out what Joes I want.

The Autobots are a little easier -- the Protectobots are a given, probably also Jazz, Inferno, Red Alert (albeit with some reluctance due to him being concerned about humans learning how to fight and defeat Cybertronians), possibly also some of the minibots and some of the standard bots I do have a mental image of Arcee and the female Joes getting on like a house a'fire. And today, the image of Snake-Eyes and First Aid doing tai chi came to mind.

If anybody has any suggestions for Autobots (or Joes for that matter), drop 'em in the comments!

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common cause, meta, rewrite: common cause, crossover: gi joe/transformers, fic writing, characters: combaticons

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