"You're right about one thing... the negotiations were short."

Jul 20, 2004 20:21

So I promised Will that when I updated again, I'll talk about the first time we hung out. Here's the Cliff Notes:
Will comes over to my old apartment with Jeff and Greg (dont quote me on this, I was drunk). So I drink about 2 40's before he even comes over and about 1am, I get a call from Scott saying that he is stranded in B.F.E. (aka spring) because his ride is going to jail. So Im like "suite" and ask Will if he wants to come along for the ride (I have NO idea how it came to that... maybe Will looked bored or I wanted to make new friends, who knows?). I go to the fridge and grab my 4th 40 for the ride and Will says something like, "are you bringing that with you?". "It's a roadie", I said and we jumped in my car to rescue poor, stranded Scott. I don't remember much about the ride except the fact that I turned my head every once in a while to see if Will was diggin the hot Strung Out tracks blaring out the Malibu box. I guess the sight of Will clenching the seatbelt was a good enough sign of glee because boy, were his knuckles white! I think that about sums it up, Will was scared shitless for about an hour of his life... and I made a new friend. Lesson to be learned here kids, don't drink and drive unless you wanna meet new people.

Other than that I'm moving soon and Jesus, is this not a fuckin headache? Not like the move will go badly or anything but there is SO much work to do this time around. I've had to throw away a bunch of stuff (R.I.P. Maxim collection) and I have so much more to get rid of. I'm giving away a bunch of stuff at work because I'm lazy and don't want to physically throw any furniture away. But it's workin out, I have a majority of the furniture from my apartment taken and the only hurdle that I'm having to jump is changing my pack rat ways.

Which brings me to throwing stuff away. Of course, going through stuff I'm like "why the fuck have I held on to this?". I didn't even know that I had that much crap layin around. Rachel helped me though and things were goin pretty smooth until her morbid curiosity got the best of her. I had a bunch of letters, notes, *cough* poetry *cough* and a bunch of other embarrassing nick-knacks that I was just holding on to. Why? Cause Im a pack rat. I have NO idea what I was doing with this stuff, hell I didnt even know I had most of it. But she read some of it and got a little upset. I understand why she did, I think anyone would in her position but I'm not quite sure if it was a good idea to actually read anything. That just has trouble written all over it ("these matches say you're lying"). I have NO sentimental attachment to letters from ex-girlfriends that fucked me over nor do I pine over passed memories of someone else. But it still doesnt answer why I've kept the shit in the first place. I knew that I had some stuff in my closets but nothing that I would purposefully hide from Rachel. I was going to throw it all away regardless because I KNOW I have no need to hang on to any of that crap, it's just a bad habit of keeping shit. I love the girl and I'm willing to throw EVERYTHING away to start over with her (she's good Pack Rat therapy ;).

Recently I've been hangin out with a bunch of nerds for 10-12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week and STILL havent hit level 20 in City of Heroes... ok, that crossed the line... Im done.
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