Aug 10, 2007 09:38
I thought all you European types who kept talking about these "Tim Tams" things were somewhat off their rockers. Surely, I thought, how could any cookie/biscuit of any sort inspire such loyalty? Doesn't make much sense. It's just a biscuit, right?
Oh, dear lord, how wrong I was.
My coworker in the Medical Student Office just signed in a visiting student from Australia. The student kindly brought a package of Tim Tams, giving them to her as a hospitality gift, which was very sweet of him. I recognized the name on the package from the chatter from you lovely folks, and said "oh, I know those! I think I've had them." She let me try one.
No, I would have known if I'd had one before.
That is the best chocolate, the absolute best, I've tasted in a year and a half. I wanted to grab the whole package out of her hands and hoard them for myself, and I'm now on a crusade to find where the hell they sell them here in the US. I mean, my god, I had my eyes closed the whole time, just savoring the damn thing as it melted in my mouth. That truly is the best cookie/biscuit I've ever tasted in my whole entire life.
You could stop wars with those things. Not realistic, but it would be nice. In some cases, though, I bet you could.