Gacked from hey_lena

Jun 20, 2004 12:07

Go to google and type in "You know you live in (your state/province/country) if"
Find a list, and bold out all the ones that apply to you.

"You know you live in Western Washington if..."

You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Enumclaw and Issaquah.
You consider swimming an indoor sport.
You keep snow chains in your trunk but they've never been used.
You see a person carrying an umbrella and know they must be a tourist.
Eating seafood isn't anything special.
Your lawn is mostly moss and you don't really care.
Your daily commute to work involves riding a ferry.
You know the difference between "showers followed by rain" and "rain followed by showers".
The sight of Mt. Rainier is still awe inspiring.
You yell at the TV if they pronounce the name of a city wrong or make an inaccurate Seattle reference on "Frasier".
You rarely wash your car because it's just going to get muddy again tomorrow.
You wouldn't dream of putting an air conditioner in your house.
You go to Eastern Washington to get some sun.
You can drive from your home to a lake, a river or the Puget Sound in 20 minutes or less.
You've seen or know someone who has seen Bigfoot.
You remember where you were on May 18th, 1980.
You get a terrible sunburn on the first really nice day of summer.
You look forward to SeaFair and all its related activities.
You take a heavy coat and a hat with you for a day at the beach.
You have learned to assume Christmas will be rainy, not white.
You've owned the same bathing suit for years because you never have a chance to wear it out.
You still can't believe the new Seahawks stadium is open air.
Your phone book contains a tide table.
You only visit the Space Needle if you need someplace to take out of town guests.
You or someone you know works at Boeing or Microsoft.
You "Do The Puyallup" every year.
You feel guilty throwing something away that could be recycled.
You use the word "sunbreak" and know what it means.
You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.
You know more people who own boats than air conditioners.
You know the difference between Chinook, Coho and Sockeye salmon.
You never go camping without water proof matches and a poncho.
You have no concept of humidity without precipitation.
You can't make it two blocks without seeing a Starbucks.
You can point to at least 2 volcanoes even if you can't actually see them through the cloud cover.
You wear shorts when the temperature gets above 50 but still wear your hiking boots and parka.
You switch to your sandals at about 60 degrees but keep your socks on.
You have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain.
You buy new sunglasses every year because you've lost last years pair after such a long time not needing them.
You measure distance in hours.
You often switch from heat to a/c in your car in the same day.
You use a down comforter in the summer.
You know how to pronounce geoduck and know that it doesn't quack or have feathers.
You can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle's Best and Tully's.
You know exactly where Tom Hank's boathouse was in "Sleepless In Seattle".
You know you'd better enjoy the snow the first day it falls before the rain washes it away.
You give directions using the Puget Sound and Cascade mountains as points of reference.
You know what a Dick's Deluxe is.
You can endure 100 days of rain and wind but an inch of snow means school cancellations.
When someone honks at you, you think they are trying to say "hi".
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