*smoootches* to everyone who went nuts on the Office Space quotes. Thanks for that, it's wonderful to know that someone gets the joke and thinks it's funny, too. :) I must go get that movie and watch it again. Yes.
Coffee table
saga update:
I get home yesterday evening and there's a message on my machine. It's Rob, the customer service guy from the furniture store, and he tells me that UPS should be on the job and it should already be gone from my place, and that he's leaving work and won't be back until the weekend.
The box was still hulking on my doormat, though. I contemplate an entire week of dancing around it as I wait for UPS to get their thumbs out of their butts, and I call up the company again for any sort of reassurance, and end up almost crying at some poor woman who doesn't even know the whole story. I so much wanted this to be done with.
So. I wake up this morning, and I'm about to go to work when I hear a knock at my door. It's a UPS guy. He looks at me and says, "Oh, so you ARE home," as if he somehow expected me to stay home for two days in a row, missing two days of work, just so that he could grace me with his address-handicapped presence at a time that's convenient for HIM. I don't say anything, feeling resentful at the fact he doesn't even get how much his company has screwed up, but he continues with "So you want this to be reshipped, I guess?" as if I'm some flighty customer who's out to make his life miserable on a whim.
I point out the actual address on the shipping label and say, "no, I want it to go where it's supposed to go. This isn't mine; this address is for another block entirely. See? It's a different number."
He looks down at the address, does some mental calculations, and I can almost see the lightbulb start to glow above his head. 'Bout time, you fool.
"Oh. Oh...right. Okay." And with that, he drags away the box, out of my life forever. And there was much rejoicing. Yay.
Still, I wasn't aware that UPS was able to get through the locked front door on my apartment complex. That he showed up on my third floor landing, without even attempting to first use the doorbell at the front door, bothers me. He shouldn't have been able to get in at all, and he should certainly ring the doorbell first. I think I'll call UPS and mention it, since I'd rather not encourage deliverypeople to come in like that.