Jun 13, 2005 23:02
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
--->this is the verse that I kept coming back to while i was doing a devotional last night, and it has stuck with my through out the day. Is God trying to tell me something with this verse? I think (and if i'm wrong, please correct me or tell me what you think) that this verse means that you shouldnt put yourself in a situation where you know there will be temptation, but instead do something else to try to avoid that situation. Now i know that there are many christians out there who struggle with sin, myself included, and i know that it is very hard to avoid these situations. But i also know that Jesus was sent to our Earth and He died for our sins. I know that i am not the only person to complain, but it is hard living in todays society, with its many expectations. Temptations are presented to me, but i am present myself to temptations. Both situations are wrong....and i know that when i was a part of my youth group, i know that my pastor told us to have an accountability partner....and that i need desperately....i've had a couple but they never worked out.....my last one was my bf...i know that i did falter but that was because i didnt try hard enough to stay out of certain situations, but now i dont have that rock to lean on anymore....i know that it is going to be harder and harder for me, but i know that i need to try harder, so if anyone is up for the job of accountability partner, then you got the job.....dont be afraid of me....i'm just one person who struggles, just like everyone else.
But other than that, nothing else is new....i didnt have to work today, which was sooooooooooooooo nice...i got to sit around and do nothing, which was fine with me
peace out kids