Jun 08, 2005 20:23
yea so....i can definitely say that i lead a very boring life....all i do is sleep and go to work, with the occasional hanging out with friends and tanning, but i have also started diing daily devotionals....but other than that, i have no life....its kinda sad and kinda boring....but o well, what can u do? so i think i'm getting sick because my throat has been really scratchy lately or it could be bc of sunday night ;) but im not quite sure.....and these stupid allergies have been kicking in, so i have had the sniffles and red eyes....so i basically look like i am high all the time, but in reality im not....after saying that, i remember someone telling me that i had christmas eyes one time while we were smoking, it was funny at the time but i dont remember who said it to me....o well....but other than that, i got nothing new for you
peace out cub scout