I just sent off my mega-article on the languages of the Garweeze Wurld Gazetteer to Knights of the Dinner Table. Thanks to
karabean for proofreading!
Sadly, it's probably too big for KoDT, so it might get foisted off on HackJournal. I figure that if it's chopped down a bit (pull out some of the less important languages, like Ambidugan) and printed in a small font, it could be five or six pages. At current size, it's about eight. HJ doesn't pay, though, and they've been a lot less interested (thus far) in publishing my stuff, so
jollyrb gets first crack at it.
Okay, so now you're wondering what Garweeze Wurld is...
GW is the primary setting for HackMaster. The problem is that the setting material is VERY vague and most players have never even seen most of it. Heck, the players in my game don't even know what languages are available to learn (hence the article).
I need to get back to working on my book submission, actually, since it is a supplement for GW.