My beloved cousin Clark is engaged to his lady fair, Lois.
Clark is my favorite cousin, my wonderful protector, my older brother and my dear friend. He works so hard, he is a man of nobility and honor and duty and patience. He's been through rough times with me and has never stopped loving me. He always pushes me to be better, but adores me without measure. He taught me what family means and gave me confidence.
Lois is a delight, who is loyal and lovely and intelligent and sweet. I couldn't pick a better cousin for me, or a finer wife for him. The first time she met me was a very tense circumstance and she was so patient and loving to me, working hard to be a source of comfort. I'd love her if she was just a friend. I am so glad she will be my family.
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They are such a cute couple. He is all manly and tough, and she's very sweet and shy. He's so bad at admitting his feelings, and she totally gets his sense of humor, and she makes him so silly in love just with a look. She's so retiring, and he encourages her in her career and supports her and totally adores her and she just looks so safe and happy and confident with him by her side.
it's wonderful to watch how happy they are together. They are very different, and they work hard to make each other happy. So she'll go hiking and biking with him, and he'll dutifully eat her terrible culinary creations and watch Game of Thrones with her. She babysits his nieces and helps my auntie. He will do her mother's errands and check up on her. They can spend hours in silence, just sitting by each other.
I'm so happy. What a gift to my family. (No, their names aren't Clark and Lois, but due to my cousin', I do not use his name here)