Dec 02, 2006 12:49
Well, I'm poor this holiday season. Like that's news, right? AAANYWAY, the reason I'm letting y'all know is because I'm not going to be able to buy any presents for my friends this year. I'm like, 400 in the hole and I still have to get presents for my family, and I'm totally ripping my hair out trying to figure out how to solve my problems.
So yeah, I've decided that instead of buying presents for all my lovely friends that I love dearly, I will more than happily send you guys drawings or cookies or whatever other DIY stuff you'd like along with a big ol' bundle of love and best wishes. I hope you guys will forgive my lack of funds, and hopefully by next year I'll be able to buy you guys something nice.
I hope you guys have an awesomely festive holiday of choice, and get everything you hoped for. ^_^