It's Christmas post time!!!

Dec 26, 2007 10:32



I didn't really have the strength to post anything yesterday, family holidays plus period does not make a very active dungeons_master.
But I had a really nice day, with lots of food and a fair share of presents and I managed to get most of my to-do list done:

Bake cookies;
Decorate cookies; and here they are
Finish sewing my sister's skirt so she can wear it on Christmas Eve; and there will be pics later in this post
Finish sewing MY pants so I can wear them on Christmas Eve; done and wore them!
Finish Christmas presents for my friends; Sadly, not. They'll have to wait a couple more days
Buy presents for my cousins, two of my cousins' fiancées, one of my uncles and someone who will come along the way; Done, thank God, and they liked them!
Grocery shopping; done, finished two hours before dinner XD
Finish a knitted project to hang on the Christmas tree; The pieces are done, so I think I'll assemble it today.
Finish to assemble a knitted project I want to give one of my cousins before the 24th; Done but I forgot to give it to him the 24th so he got it the 25th XD
Wrap the gifts that remain to be wrapped; Luckily done, too
Fix the mess in the dining room where NO ONE WILL ENTER AND ABOUT WHAT NO ONE DOES CARE THE TINIEST BIT because my mother won't stop bothering me about it even if we're using it like 'base' for wrapping gifts and store them; Sort of done XD It was still a bit messy but it was acceptable XD
FUCKING SLEEP. Noooooot *cries*

But I'm not that tired, luckily....
And period is almost finished! I cant wait >_<

So, I have a couple more photos for ya all!
First, I have to post the ones of my sister's birthday cake. We found the perfect decoration item and I can't not post this here XD
Drum rolls, please... The cake and the decoration in detail!
How silly are we? XD

Next photos will be of the two Christmas ornaments I managed to finish: one and two.

And finally, my sister and the skirt (who was very appreciated by all even if it isn't anything special), in two versions:

- the normal one (please don't forget to take a look at her kitty eared cap, which I made too);

- the 'obsessed' one (that is MY tie!!! MINE!!!).

Really, how silly are we! XD

All in all, I'm very pleased at how the day turned out. Everything went smooth and nice and did I mention I GOT A COTTON CANDY MAKER WHICH WORKS PERFECTLY AND MAKES THE BEST COTTON CANDY EVAH?!
I love it *________* *pets its box*
But I'm also glad Christmas Eve is gone and I can slouch and relax!

Oh, I almost forgot the usual rant about work:

Really, I do work for the most wonderful people.
I had a free day on Christmas Eve! Yay! Can you believe my luck? One free day to rest in one of the most chaotic nights of the year?
But hey, that's what you get when you can't find a normal job!
So let's pretend we're OK with it, because surely my bosses will make everything in their capacity to make the traumatic coming back to work as smooth as possible!
That's why the son who had the old woman yesterday (oh, did I mention the four of them had a fight to decide who would take their mother for ONE day of holidays?) didn't even start the fire to warm up the house a bit. He didn't even made his mother dine at the right hour, waiting for me to do so when she should already be done when I start my turn, and he kindly left all her things scattered around the house, not bothering to close the window in the room I sleep in thus transforming it in a freezer.
I could so feel the Christmas spirit I was choking on it.
And what do I find out, some minutes later? That tomorrow another one of her sons is going to take the old woman away for lunch, so the two people working the morning and the afternoon will have half a day free, and I, as always, will start my turn at the same time and work it fully. Isn't it even better than snow, as Christmas toppings go?
And try to explain to your colleagues how you feel cheated that they get some free time in their turns (repeatedly asserting you have nothing against them since it's not their fault), and have them get all defensive and stating that it's no big deal and it makes no difference, and they could have worked all day anyway.
Could it get any better?

It's time I start to compile my 2008 resolutions list.
First voice? I'll QUIT.

Merry Christmas (or every other holiday you celebrate) to you all again!

rl, knitting, rants, cooking and baking

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