It's been a while since the last time I've written here, I started a new post at least three times but I was too lazy to finish it, so I'll sum it up in this one!
First of all two tests, snatched from I don't remember where:
You Scored an A
You got 10/10 questions correct.
It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors.
If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs.
As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human.
And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes.
The It's Its There Their They're Quiz Of course I did! This test was quite easy ^^;
In what parallel universe?
Now that the tests are done, let's start with the usual ranting and real life stuff. Which I will
After an year and seven months exactly, I think I've really have had enough with this job. I know I complained a lot before, but I was just frustrated, no intention of really leaving. Now I'm actually daydreaming about how quitting would be, how handing out my resignation could go.
Yeah, something did bring this up. Namely the fact that that excuse for a human being I work for is a mean, selfish, mentally retarded wench. And I'm talking about both mother AND son. I've endured insults, lies told about me to other people, lies told to me, cold in the winter, heat in the summer, cockroaches, urine exams which I had to get the samples for, sleepless nights when they wouldn't take her to the hospital once and she spent a couple of nights moaning half in pain half just because she wanted her sons to come), changing of soiled clothes and diapers (all things that, by the way, weren't my duty, 'cause we didn't talk about such things when I started this job), but even I have my limits.
I hate, I really hate when people threaten me with bodily harm. I don't care if you're shorter than me. I don't care if I could throw you on the wall just by flicking you with my fingers. You do not threaten me of punching me, slapping me or breaking a chair on my head while waving your first or shaking said chair. And you especially don't grab my arm and start shaking me and try to reach for the phone with which I'm trying to call your son to see if HE can make you calm down.
It's because she's sick, he says, just as he always do every fucking time I tell him there's a problem. While she cries crocodile tears asking 'but what did I do?' and tells him it's because *I* make her angry.
And that FUCKING MORON every time, just every. damn. time. starts telling her mother how much he does for her, how much he visits her, and all the things he does for the house, and suddenly it's ALL ABOUT HIM. Always. And I have to watch every time as what should have been a thorough scolding for her awful behaviour towards all the people who work there turns into the longest complain on how HE'S ALREADY DOING TOO MUCH AND DOESN'T LIKE TO BE BOTHERED FOR MORE.
Which means, not even five minutes later that he's gone, and I'm not telling this just for fun's sake, it happens every time, five minutes later his mother is already doing what she was doing before that started all the mess.
It can be anything: she wants to eat but she can't 'cause she's diabetic.; she wants to go to bed but she can't before 10 because she has to take her medicines and insulin; she gets up when I'm in another room doing some task or another and she mustn't do that, because she already broke her leg once and she's not stead on her feet; she wants to close the god-damn living room window when it's 30 degrees outside and every other window or door in the house it's already closed... oh, and about this, she says she doesn't feel the heat. The son of course told me it was true, so I asked him to touch her on the back of the head. She is ALWAYS drenched with sweat. I think he got the message...
And I am the one who has to stop her from doing harm to herself. I'm used to it, after all this time.
I take more insults from that woman in a week that I've taken by others in my whole life. From people who knew her before she became ill and her husband died, neither of them were overly nice persons, so this is maybe why now that she's older and senile she is even more foul mouthed and stubborn.
It's because she's sick, the sons say. Then do explain to me, please, why she's only mean to determinate persons. Why when she didn't realize the new woman that works there in the evening would stay permanently she treated her like a queen, and as soon as she realized she started treating her like she treats me. Why, when her son is in the house she behaves sweetly and is all smiles and kind words. Sickness? My ass. She's just very smart, and knows her son is a moron, and as long as he doesn't take her seriously she can do what she wants.
Which means, after the last nice event in which she grabbed and shook me and called me something involving my mother than I don't care to repeat, it took her... what, three days? four? to do a repeat performance.
Yesterday night she won't stop insulting me, again for the matter of the window. It's not just a matter of heat, with that window closed there's no fresh air in the room, and I have a minor form or asthma that doesn't agree much with that. When I tried to explain this to her, a while ago, she told me, and I quote, 'If you can't breathe well it's because you're fat'. Poor, ill woman.
You know when people keep insulting you just to get a reaction? She has elevated that to an art form. I must admit I could have handled it better, but after two hours of continuing bother for this thing or the other I snapped. At the last 'ignorant' (or was it imbecile?) I told her 'Thank God *you're* smart and kind' which prompted a lot of grumbling on my education and this and that. It was bedtime, so I gave her her pill, a plastic cup with water and she kept going on and on, so I asked her to PLEASE take her pill, and what do I get? The Italian version of 'fuck you'. Well, yesterday I couldn't care less about being rude. I'm just human, not a saint, and since nothing I do can make the situation better, well, to hell with it. I told her, as kindly as I could, 'Same to you. Now, if you've taken your pill, we can go to bed'. Wrong move, she didn't expect me to answer back to that, and she was outraged. 'I'll throw the water on your face', she threatened. I sighed, told her to stop with this behaviour and reached for the cup, and she did just as she threatened. She threw the water all over me and half on the floor.
I didn't even blink, I took the empty cup, told her to get up that we were going to bed, and that I would leave all the water on the floor for her son to see the next morning. She complained and insulted all the way to bed, threatening me to throw me out of her house, etc etc, and after I left her bedroom she started to cry. Oh, how much it gets on my nerves when she cries like that after she's been a bitch on half the world.. Does she think I will forgive her, or that I'd pity her and not tell her son? She always cries when her son scolds her, and her son, stupid moron that he is is convinced that she's sorry, but she didn't apologize ONCE and she always does worse after. Neither did the son, apologize I mean, for the awful behaviour of his mother.
So, as I said, I left the water (that dried overnight) and the sticky foot prints on the floor, and this morning I left a message for the son, saying: "Yesterday night your mother threw a glass of water on me. I'm writing this here so no one can say they forgot it happened. P.S: Next time it happens, even if it's ten pm, I'm going to call you and you can come and mop up the floor and take care of your mother".
I hope this time he gets the veiled threat. I no longer care if I keep this job or not, I'm only doing it because I need the money and I can't find a better one at the moment. Soon as I do, I'm not even going to give them a day of warning. I'll be gone so fast they'll probably won't even see me.
That's is for the job.
Now about something more fun... My Wii has now a modchip. I'm making good use of it and I've already tried a lot of new games. Cooking Mama is loads of fun, even if it did take a while for me to learn the correct moves. I tried the Order of the Phoenix game too but I don't like it much, just as I don't like the Game Boy Advance version. I really miss the first two games of the series, they were the best >_<
I tried Trauma Center: Second opinion, and I squicked half the family XD But operating was fun, and not that realistic to squick me too :P
I gave a shot to Super Paper Mario. I like Super mario games a lot in general, but I'm really bad at them, my ten year old cousin beat me so bad at fifteen and I've never gotten better XD But I do enjoy trying, and this one has such cute drawings!
The ones I like most, of these new games, are Resident Evil 4 and MySims. The former is good to release some stress and fun to play, expecially since I choose the easy version and I'm doing great. THe latter is just adorably cute and I love building houses and colouring them, and walking around the place to find new things.
I think the Wii is one of the best things that I bought. It's a pity my granmother is behind me and keeps bothering me because I'm 27 and I still like to play games.
Oh well.
As I said in the last post, I got a book on cross stitching and I wanted to try some of the projects... well, I finished one, and here are the pictures! Under cut even if they're not that heavy.
Pass mouse on the pics for more info:
God, I think this is the longest post EVER. But damn if it wasn't therapeutic!