dream ★ 001

Dec 26, 2009 14:02


The room's dark. In fact, the only light is from the streetlights outside that are shining unceremoniously into the room. Simon is sprawled out on the bed, blending into the shadows. Except, he's not alone. Alongside him, curled up on the bed, is a teenage redhead. Her eyes are shut and she's fast asleep, clutching at her chest as if she's experiencing a disheartening dream.

He watches her, hand outstretched but not touching her slim frame. Instead, he merely watches, as an older brother would. Watch over her as she slept.

"What do you think you're going to get out of all this, Clary?" he mumbles, instinct overtaking his senses as his slim fingers card through her hair. "I'm worried about you... but you probably already knew that. After all, you're good at guessing that type of thing..."

He trails off and withdraws his hand, resting his head back against the pillow. "I just wish I could see into your mind. Just once."

After a moment, the form stirs and a rush of red hair is suddenly in his face. She's turned over.

"...Simon? What are you doing ... talking to yourself?" She sounds incredibly tired, and is probably still half asleep.

"This is all a dream. I'm not really here, actually. It's all in your mind," Simon begins, but is cut short when he's punched, just lightly, in the shoulder.

"...Cut it out," she mumbles and closes her eyes again. "Just go back to sleep, okay?"

He laughs, but nods nonetheless. It's only a few moments afterward that she's resting her head against his chest and is back asleep, breathing evening out.

Even if this is all, for the most part, a caricature, he wouldn't trade it for the world.
[Simon's still sleeping, even though the Dreamberry has recorded that.  He's mumbling and tossing in his sleep, and on his lips is one name, mumbled loud enough for the device to pick up on before the feed cuts ]


the good days, clary, !ic, !dream, !somarium, my sort-of-not-really-girlfriend

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