Mar 22, 2004 17:06
Howdy do good folks?!
Well, seeing as how I am bored right now, and there is little chance of actually doing something meaningful I will instead do this little alphabet/random info thing that's been floating around lately. So here goes...oh, and I read yours so you can at least read mine.
A: Age: 21
B: Boyfriend/Girlfriend: haaa, with my luck (laughs...wipes away tear)
C: Chores you hate: school work in general
D: Dad's name: Sergio, well at least it was, but the step-pop is named Jonathas
E: Essential everyday items: MUSIC, and lots of it
F: Favorite actor/actress: too many kick-ass people out there (Sean Connery, Morgan Freeman, Geoffrey Rush, others) actress, hmmmm, its probably more based on looks than acting so I wont even list them
G: Gold or Silver: hey I'll take anything, I'm broke
H: Hometown: Sao Plizzle in the hizzle fo shizzle (Sao Paulo, BRAZIL BABY)
I: Instruments you play: Air Guitar, Air Piano, Air Drums, and one sick Kazoo
J: Job: Male Secretary Extraordinaire, Albert the Alligator, Professional Cool Dude
K: Kids: little kids are cool
L: Living Arrangements: the Dungeon of Rawlings with famous roommate Tom, next year house with good pals
M: Mom's name: the ma's name is Lilian
N: Number of people you slept with: 1, and that's all that will be said
O: Overnight hospital stays: 1, when I was 7 and my mom tricked me into getting a circumcision (sadly not joking)
P: Phobias: clowns and masks, its not that I am deathly afraid...they just freak me out
Q: Quote you like: any of my roommates drunken quotes, holy crap that kid cracks me up, here's a small sample: "It's easy to make fat girls laugh because they're jolly."
R: Ride you have: the bicycle, the longboard, and good ol' Chevrolegs (like a rock)
S: Shows you like: Family Guy, Seinfeld, Chappelle Show, Bob Ross, Martha Stewart Living
T: Time you wake: whenever I wake is the right time
U: Unique habits: hell there are too many, its what makes and, am I right....right?
V: Vegetable you refuse to eat: I am not aware of one, I have always gotten along with my veggies, its just those evil bananas I don't like....why the hell did they have to be so squishy?
W: Worst habit: procrastinating like a bastard
X: X-Rays you've had: what a stupid question, teeth, chest
Y: Yummy foods you make: see me when you need a spicy dish, I only deal out heat
Z: Zodiac sign: virgo....what is that again?