Feb 16, 2004 14:49
So, it is yet another Monday, and I was hoping to just coast through it as with all the other Mondays. But life had a little surprise for me at history class today. Let me say that I have alway held ladies in high regard for not flaunting their bodily functions. It keeps the image that women are perfect, beautiful and would otherwise never do such things as fart. But I have found out today that women are just as capable of shameless flatulence and idiotic ideas like men. Case in point, today I went to my history class like any other day. As I sat in the back of the classroom this girl also arrives and sits two rows in front of me. She seemed respectable enough, until she decided to bring those skills I just pointed out to the table. Being cool as a cucumber and sly as a cat she proceeds to attempt a raised-cheek silent deployment. In other words, she was a bit gassy, and felt she was slick enough to get away with it. If she thought no one would smell it, she was dead wrong. That was more powerful than I could have imagined. I guess one of her kidneys were rotting or something. Also, if she thought she could pass the blame to someone around her, well that was just wishful thinking. It all blew up in her face when there, in the depths of her innermost crack, came the distinct vibration of a fart. Oh how sweet and humorous life can be on a seemingly typical Monday. The shame that gripped her and the stares of onlookers was enough to put a smile on my face. Not that it's hard to make me smile in the first place, but that just took the medal for today.