Feb 12, 2004 20:34
Alrighty. So, one of my friends brought up a point that I have thought about many times, just never written down. Apparently, people think college students are lost souls or something, that we are out there looking for something to believe in and have not established who we are. Well I say screw those people. Maybe there are people out there who are like that, and this is not an attack on them, but frankly I hate to have this assumption placed over everyone. I know who I am, and have known for a long time. I know what I believe, what I don't, and I have my values and morals well in place. My friends are also this way, as far as I know. I have not seen anyone be swayed by all the religious, political, or even social junk that we have swimming around this place. It dosen't bother me that it's around, that's all part of college, and all those people and things have a right to be here. What this is about is the stupid crap the media puts out. Like reports on how we all binge drink, have unprotected sex all the time, or are going to end up joining crazy religions or cults. That's such a load of crap! Talk about generalizing! None of those things are on my to-do list. So, to all the people I know out there, just stick to being yourselves. We are all doing just fine.