Resource post: textures, stock

Feb 09, 2007 22:18

Name: Craft Study Textures
Type of Resource: Textures
Number of Files: 16 JPG Files
File Size, Pixels: 800x600
Download Size, Type: ~20 MB, .zip
Download Link: @DeviantArt

Name: Grunge Stock
Type of Resource: Stock Photos, Textures
Number of Files: 15 JPG Files
File Size, Pixels: 1440x1080
Download Size, Type: ~6 MB, .zip
Download Link: @DeviantArt

Plz to comment here or at DA if you take. Also, I am really curious as to whether or not you like/will use the stock photos, as I'm considering doing more sets like this. Feedback is love.

X-posted to texturize, freshmakers.

(And yes, this is the artist formerly known as illgoest.)

resources: stock photos, resources: textures

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