On Second Thought

May 28, 2007 22:50

Today, someone maliciously took my journal entries and sent them to family members in order to hurt me. She decided that her life decisions were more worthy and "right" than mine, and passed judgement on how that should be handled. I regret that she is so unhappy with her own life that she had to bring pain into mine, and the lives of those I love. I regret that she is raising her children to be hateful, hurtful, and intolerant of the differences in others while claiming to be Christian. I regret that she felt that "tattling" on me to people that I love and respect was an adult and responsible thing to do.

Let me be very plain. I am an adult. I make my own life decisions. I DO NOT condemn others for choosing a different path, either spiritually or physically. I am happy with my life. I love my children and provide them a good home. I adore, respect, and care for my husband with everything I have. I will NOT apologize for being happy or for living my life the way I see fit.

I've changed all of my entries to "friends only". They'll stay that way from here on out. Leave a comment here if you want to be included.