I just have to brag. There are a couple of interesting milestones comming up in the very near future. First and foremost, has anyone done a google search on "black and blue ball" lately? Where were we in the rankings and how many other web sites were we competing with to get that ranking? How cool is that?
Around the end of this month the front page of the ball web site
http://www.blackandblueball.cawill turn over 20,000 hits. The August 26th, Ball will mark the completion of 10 years of Black & Blue Ball. We started our 10th year by turning over 10,000 hits on that very day, and now we will complete our 10th year by turning over 20,000 hits on the front page. Of course that's nearly independant of the 1,000,000+ hits we've had on the forum since we put it up a few weeks ago.
Speaking of the forum, this week we will turn over 100 registered members on the forum.
http://blackandblueball.ca/forum/For those who haven't been on the forum yet, it's churning with kinky fun. There have been 1,788 posts on 278 topics since we launched the forum in early June. Of course there's no way to even begin to count the number of personal messages exchanged on the forum system.
There's the quick run down of some of the key statistics on our internet activity. I hope it was as exciting for you as it is for those of us who do the day to day work maintaining the site and producing the Ball. Thanks so much for your help and support in reaching these mile stones and all the fun we've had along the way!