Her name is Captain Hastings (Hasty for short)

Apr 20, 2007 00:54

Oh, the new puppy is a source of constant exhaustion. I think I'll want to wait a few more years before contemplating children. We just got her last week, and there have been walks from 5:45 am through 11:00 pm. The bundle of general joy is admittedly quite adorable. She was the runt of the litter, and at three months weighs hardly 3 pounds. She's a wee cairn whose bizarre little ears flip backwards instead of forward, as droopy ears ought. She and my mom have completely bonded, which was the intention, so that's to the good, and there have even been positive signs of play between Hasty and Flurrie. That's all. I must sleep before she wakes again. Pictures will follow.
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