(no subject)

Mar 15, 2012 17:47

Things I remember from last night: club, drink, guy(s). I don't usually forget but ouch, there was a lot of alcohol involved. I think my head is still somewhere that is not on my shoulders. I probably need a new one. Actually, can I have everything replaced? Can I get remodeled or something? I hadn't been this smashed since summer. No, on second thought, I hadn't been this smashed since I was, like, 14. I needed to unwind. All work and no play makes yours truly a zombie.
Now, let's agree to not do this again...at least until a few months later. XPP It took me a while to figure out but it's more fun being sober when there are hot guys around. Unless we have history.

kono kojuurou, what the fuck - i don't remember what ta

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