Erin started it

Dec 28, 2010 19:51

This post's main purpose is to show off the icon.
The secondary purpose is to complain about how badly things in the Russian remake of Prison Break are handled. It's not that I mind some changes re: the details (that is necessary to adapt the story to the reality of another country), but I do mind it when my favourite moments are, shall we say, spoit. The Michael/Sara first kiss? It looked more like the Russian counterparts were going to have sex right there. Somehow cheesier. I don't know how to phrase it, but the thing I love about both Michael and Sara is that they seem to be pretty reserved. And the fact that the show on the whole is pretty subtle when it comes to sexual stuff only adds to that. It's all about the feeling, the core, the atmosphere. I get it, the bloke's supposed to be really yearning for something since he's in prison and there aren't many women around, much less pretty women. But seriously? Did they have to make that touching scene so banal? And the fact that Alexei tells everyone and their mother that he needs the key to the medical office and even tries to manipulate the others into stealing it? What I adore about Michael is his silence. He never talks more than it is necessary. It is clear from the start that he is unwilling to use Sara like that. True, she is part of his plan. But his original plan is to steal the key, not to get involved with her. When he kisses her, it's because he feels the desire to do so. And he realises that he's a little bit in over his head there. That episode, 1x19, is actually one of my favourite episodes in all four seasons, and they gloriously ruined it just like they ruined the characters of T-Bag and Tweener and pretty much everyone else.
Frankly, I've been wondering I keep watching this. It's way past crack now and hopelessly lost any ground it may have gained when I realised that I did like certain changes there.

fan rant, emotional outburst

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