I think I can relate

Oct 02, 2010 08:43

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And what the hell, I'm keeping the damn cat. He's rather clingy, so I named him Ranmaru after all. Calling him Ran, though. How many people do you think won't be able to enter when he's on guard while I'm committing seppuku? ;)
[Sorry, Sengoku injoke]


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Comments 8

helike October 2 2010, 13:35:30 UTC
Yay for keeping the kitty :)


dune_master October 2 2010, 13:55:37 UTC
I'll cry yay when I get all his papers in order. I still plan to move. :)


helike October 2 2010, 14:58:49 UTC
Some problems with the papers or is it just taking long? Good luck anyway :)


dune_master October 3 2010, 08:42:31 UTC
Let's just say it's taking a bit longer than I would have liked it to, but nothing beyond my expectations.

Thanks. :)


istne_pieklo October 2 2010, 13:58:41 UTC
You'd look cool with a cane)) Kinda House-y))))
LMAO!!!! I forgot to tell you about Ranmarsik, the newest suggestion for a pet name))) The hybrid of Ranmaru and Barsik!)))


dune_master October 2 2010, 14:07:16 UTC
I'm going to be so classy!

LOL! Sounds great, but I'd rather avoid associations with Mars. Oo


istne_pieklo October 2 2010, 14:18:06 UTC
Very GQ as Laurell Hamilton would put it)))
LMAAAO))) Ttly forgot about him)))) But yes, that may be prudent)))


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dune_master October 3 2010, 08:44:11 UTC
I couldn't help it. That name was like the 25th frame! XPP (If it helps, he runs a lot. Or rather crawls and creeps and pokes his head everywhere.)


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