[Poem] + some ramblings

Jul 24, 2010 11:28

So, the crazy harakiri dreams? Led to this. Unfinished and untitled as of now, but with the prospects of getting worked into something more monumental (yeah, sure, duh).

Title: --
Date: July 24, 2010
Untitled poem )

raving lunatic, i am one, films, liiiiiiiisssst

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helike July 24 2010, 10:14:38 UTC
I like the poem. Awesome imagery IMO.
Alex the Thing-Breaker strikes again? :/ How did you manage to break the browsers anyway?


dune_master July 24 2010, 16:18:22 UTC
Thank you. :)

I don't think the browsers are my fault. My laptop is swarming with viruses. MSN is down too. I'm surprised anything works.


helike July 24 2010, 16:31:18 UTC
Get somebody to clean the computer for you :/ Or you can just re-format the disk.


dune_master July 25 2010, 16:34:53 UTC
The sound system shut down. That's my final straw. So yes, I'll get help. XPP


helike July 25 2010, 16:52:49 UTC
Oh, wow :O You sure put up with it for a long time o_O;


dune_master July 25 2010, 17:11:58 UTC
I don't use my computer that much, so it's easy for me to ignore some viruses.


helike July 25 2010, 17:49:03 UTC
I wouldn't have guessed judging by the number of your tweets :P


dune_master July 25 2010, 18:01:59 UTC
I don't write them all day. XPP Besides, you know, I'll probably vanish again as soon as I get to Scotland.


helike July 25 2010, 18:02:47 UTC
Yeah... Kinda figured it out. But you'll appear again when you're back :P


dune_master July 25 2010, 18:12:01 UTC
That's a given. XPP In September. Probably.


helike July 25 2010, 18:13:29 UTC
Ouch... Erin and satalex are also leaving. If you all leave, it's gonna be too quiet here :/


dune_master July 25 2010, 18:24:18 UTC
Yeah... summertime is a bugger to be online. No one's usually there...


helike July 25 2010, 18:25:45 UTC
LOL I am :P


dune_master July 25 2010, 18:30:04 UTC
Why don't you go on vacation? Not necessarily abroad. Isn't there anywhere to go in Poland? :)


helike July 25 2010, 18:36:09 UTC
I don't like going anywhere on my own as I have some special talent for attracting unwanted attention. And as am I'm not good at socializing, I'm more tired after going one a group trip than before going. Plus, it sucks to be single among couples ^^; And for last two years there is that little issue about me being allergic to sunlight. I just have no idea where to go any more =_= North Pole? >.>; It all sounds like excuses, huh? ^^;


dune_master July 25 2010, 18:48:06 UTC
To be honest, yes, it does sound like a bunch of excuses. XPP Not being an ass here; I just honestly don't get all these problems. All that is still better than spending summer at home, especially now. The heat is crazy.


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