Chicago Road Trip

Sep 28, 2009 20:20

Matt: Apparently Jesus died for our sins, at least that's what the hand painted road sign told me over there.

Me: See, that's what friggin' happens when you take on too much responsibility.

Matt: Ha, I'm stealing that line.

Me: lol. Nice.

The best part about my Chicago road trip was the driving. Its always the driving. I enjoy my destinations when I get there, but for me, nothing is as fun as talking about random things in the car while making fun of street signs, and stopping at truck stops.

Chicago as a whole is rather interesting. Our hotel deal landed us in the middle of what is akin to yorkville (thanks Travelzoo!). Really nice boutique hotel, rather douchey area, so there was some subway juggling and google mapping and internet consulting to figure out where to flee to. :) We did however, manage to get a lot done in a few days.

1) Random Niagara Falls stop.
How can I not stop at this when going through it? I can't. The cheesy seedy of the hill makes me smile. Its so wrong, in a good way.

2) Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.
There's really not much in Cleveland, there could be if they started to roll up and push more, but right now there isn't. However...its a stop point at half way, and the rnr hall of fame is worth the visit. They have almost every costume you can think of. And a fine collection of old equipment. We also had dinner at Lola, which resulted in the tri-fecta of pork...berkshire braised bacon, smoked porkchops...yes even the desert, which had maple bacon ice cream. Also found a place with 120 types of micro-brews. Win! We were later the next day, denied Ceder Point due to Fall hours. Booo! Eff you Ceder Point!

oh hai giant hot dog with lights in it...

the giant stamp

yep. covert picture taking with iphones...

3) If you do drive into Chicago, try to drive in during the evening. The elevated freeway pretty much gives you a bloody great, sparkly view of the city.

4) The Museum of Surgical Science in Chicago
Seriously, if you are around there...go! Its awesome. And small. But really interesting, and filled with cathode ray tubes, and potion bottles, and displays of surgical instruments. There were a lot of neat shapes and some cringe worthy items. The forceps, and srugical saws especially got some commentary from us. Gah. Plus you can walk the waterfront near Licoln Park. Chicago has a beach, complete with palm trees. Who knew?

Amputation Set

In the park on the way there

5) Museum of Contemporary Art
Its pretty. It has paintings. Done.

Lovely Stair case, the bottom has a koi pond.

5) The Museum of Science and Industry.
If the science center in Canada could get this kind of funding, maybe it might be like this. Seriously huge, and complete with a total green living house set up, and a section where you can move little marbles around with your beta brain waves, also known as Mindball. Also, biggest model train set up I've ever seen. Please take note, you will have to take the tram by what seems like an episode of The Wire. So keep your wits about you. Oh, and that green house, we got in for free because I chatted to the girl about cameras and the colour pink. Yay free stuff!

The Green House

Apollo 8!

6) Wicker Park
Hipsterville. Gallery row. Whatever you want to call it. Its nice. There's little brew-pubs and diners, a place that makes good vegan cupcakes called the Earwax Café (also in high fidelity), used books stores and big flat iron buildings with lots of artist studios in them. I wish Toronto would do more of this, rather than turning everything into lofts and condos.


Flat Iron building

7) Mariano Park area
If you do get stuck in douchey yorkville land (and we did at times, which was highly frustrating), this little triangle of a spot has a good amount of bars, and a pancake house that nearly killed me with a dutch baby (so doughy, so tasty, so bad for you). The tiny park is small, but good to sit in it and read / people watch, and hey if you feel inclined to buy a Bently you can do that too. Avoid this on fridays tho, places will judge you on your footwear. Fuck that noise I say.

The Dutch Baby

8) Architectural Booze Cruise
Ok its not called that. But what else would you call a boat ride with a cash bar where you get to be a building hound? Exactly. It is really worth the sticker price though (about $24 - $28 bucks). Its around an hour - hour and a half, and goes through the river pointing out a lot of Chicago buildings and history. Its nice to take in the evening, and cozy up in a jacket to learn about why the opera house is shaped like a throne.

9) John Hancock Observatory.
Its not the sears tower. BUT, its open later, you get a view of the Ferris wheel, AND its 3 times less crowded. At night its really, really pretty.

my rather bad photos because i have a point and shoot...

10) omg the chicago public library is amazing on the outside and has big copper details of OWLS. LOTS OF OWLS. And free wi-fi.

big owls

The Famed chicago sign

11) The El. Chicago's subway is mostly elevated. This I enjoyed, as it reminded me of a tram trip or two in Japan. Also they had pretty entrance ways.

subway entrance

12) Lakewview
On the last morning we were there, we decided to pop out to Lakeview and try to find the store that hosted the interior of the record shop in High Fidelity (later we speculated if it was right or not). Alas, it was closed. But the area around Wrigley field is pretty neat. For starters its a lot denser in buildings than some other spots, AND it hosts both Chicago Comics and People Play Games...a retro gaming store. Funtimes! I had a grilled cheese there at a greasy spoon called The New Modern Grill that almost killed me. But it tasted like those days you stay home sick. Really worth it.

Small item purchased near Wrigley Field...

Statue under the El at Lakeview

13) I wasn't really blown away by the deep dish pizza. BUT we did find a place that has a Fluffer-Nutter on the menu, and a drink called a smoking jacket which comes with Bacon stuffed Olives. This I deemed to be a great idea. My arteries might disagree, however.

Yep grilled marshmallow and peanut butter.

14) I also stumbled on to The Flamingo Statue, its rather impressive.

15) If you are brave enough to go to The Merchant Market, then God Speed. 2 City Blocks of furniture design. One floor had over 200 stores. Kinda nuts. Also kind of neat.

I wish I had figured out some other neighbourhoods to visit, because yorkville-ish area was kind of bothersome (good shopping though). The one thing I missed was the giant liquid memory statue, but hey it happens. Over-all it was a good week outta town.

I'll eventually get around to posting the rest of my pictures at some point. :)

m, road trip, travel, chicago

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