Harry Potter: "Take his hand" (Neville/Charlie) - English

Jun 16, 2017 21:11

Title: "Take his hand"
Author: dunderklumpen
Pairing: Charlie/Neville
Request/Prompt Used: "Realistic situations"
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Word Count/Art Medium: 1.254 words
Summary: Neville was still crying, but managed to do so silently.
Charlie was sure that nobody would have minded. They all understood how desperate and sad the boy must be. How alone he had to feel after his gram was gone, leaving him with two parents in St. Mungos who were out of their minds; not even able to identify their names, much less their own son. Neville was practically an orphan now and Charlie's heart went out to him.
Warnings: Sad, funeral, minor character death, future fic
A/N: This fic was originally meant as a fill for didigthewriter's prompt "realistic situations" for rarepair_shorts at LJ.
I saw the prompt and this fic was what immediately came to my mind. I wrote it down in an hour and thought that it was good... until I saw that under digthewriter's "dislikes" was "death". - Damn!
So this fic is inspired by the prompt but not an actual rarepair_shorts fill. So I'm posting it outside of the "wishlist summer 2017" event.
Still... I hope the rest of you like it:)
P.S.: Not a major character death but a character death nonetheless. Hence the warning.
Beta: Thank you so much to jdl71 because she was a sweetheart and looked it over:)

@ AO3

Take his hand

pairing: charlie/neville, kategorie: slash, english fanfiction, fandom: harry potter

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