Merlin Podfic(s): Dragonspeak Trilogy - English - fluffy bingo

Dec 29, 2012 16:08

Titles: Dragonspeak Trilogy - "Dragonlord", "Haunted Dreams" + "His Dragonlord"
Prompt: "Wild Card" for my cc_bingo card.
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG
Length: All of them are under 05:00 minutes. All in all ca. 10 minutes.
Music: Patrick Doyle - "Merida OST"
Summary: Three fics about Merlin talking dragonspeak and/or being a dragonlord.
A/N: I recorded this trilogy for the Wild Card Square on my cc_bingo card. I'm a huge fan of Merlin talking dragonspeak. It makes me weak in the knees and at the same time it feels wild and powerful. So dragonspeak and Merlin being a dragonlord are themes in the series which inspired me to a couple of short ficlets. I decided to record them and make a "Dragonspeak Trilogy" out of it. All three ficlets have to do with Merlin being a dragonlord and/or talking dragonspeak. The gorgeous cover was made by viennajones.
Beta: margi_lynn gave me helpul suggestions. Thank you!

Password: Aithusa



Haunted Dreams

His Dragonlord

MP3, ca. 8 MB,
zipped file with password on Sendspace

podfic, pairing: merlin/arthur, fandom: merlin (bbc), kategorie: slash

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