All the cool people are doing it!

Dec 03, 2008 12:09

Yes, I suppose since everyone else has made this post (and I usually have by now, too) I'll do the same, here....

If you would like to get a Christmas card from the border collie dog, please comment herein with your name and address, etc. All comments are screened, so no worries. I don't care if I've sent you one before and your address hasn't changed- comment here. I know that I've commented in some people's LJ entries saying I'd exchange cards, but I'm honestly not going to hop though LJs to find out who I owe one to and who I don't. If you don't comment here, you won't get one. *Tail twitches*

I do apologize if that sounds at all harsh, but I need to try and keep this organized this year. I'll be gone for a week and a half before Christmas, so I need to get these cards taken care of. If I can't get them sent out before my trip, I'll do so as soon as I get back. So hopefully you'll all have your cards by the end of this year. Hopefully. >_< I'm a terrible dog with timing....
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