I'm already mentally irritated about a few random things today, and my computer has been adding to that by pissing me off to no end lately. It just seems to be clicking randomly about, closing out of windows, not entering lines properly in notepad, cutting out part of recordings I make, and such... And just now, it's given me the final straw- It just deleted my entire AIM buddy list. All names, except one. I right clicked to delete one name... one godammed name, and my entire list cleared.
What... the... fuck....
UPDATE: I went back in and manually entered a few names, but I severely cleared out the list. What was 36 names is now 17, and while it makes me feel a bit unimportant, I realize I don't even talk to half of those 17 as it is. *Shrugs* Life goes on, mm?
On an unrelated note, I've been asked if I would like to have my music used in a furry radio scheme that's being put together. You may view the development of said radio
here. ^^