Feb 08, 2008 18:12
We're going off for dinner tonight! Hurray! Either McDonald's (my vote) or
Taco Bell (the Kitten's vote). Real fancy schmancy here, but who cares?
It's not campus food!
If only Le Rouret would update. *sigh*
I have a basket of clean laundry that needs folding and putting away. It's
just sitting there. Isn't it cute. Hem. I should really get to that. Dum
de dum dum. Fact of the matter is, I just don't want to do it. So there.
Reading report due three weeks from today. I'm about six pages into the
first chapter of the book. Another thing I should really get started on.
Along with the brief that's due the day before. And the resume, cover
letter, application, and essay due the day with the brief. It'll get done.
No sweat. It's always gotten done before.
I think they call this "Senioritis."