Jul 16, 2009 13:52
So, yeah. Listen. I'm a slacker. I don't go to tons of furry conventions, but I've enjoyed Midwest Furfest for the past few years. I didn't arrange for roomies early enough, so now all that's available are spill-over hotel space.
With me and a giganto-green fursuit, it's really not good enough. I need to be in the core hotel.
So, if you've managed to score some main hotel space and have room to spare, please private message me and we'll talk. I'm not looking for a hand-out, I'm going to pay my share, no problem.
I will fully admit that I'm very particular on who I room with. Room partiers are, like, right out, and socially awkward furries can make me uncomfortable.
If I can't find suitable housing for the convention I may have to pass this year. Would be a bummer because I've made some great friends at this con, and it's the one that Santa Roo tends to visit.
Hit me up! Thanks in advance.