The Restoration Series: What Lies Within (5/6), by D.L. Witherspoon

Oct 04, 2005 23:54

>> Must Read <<

Series Title: The Restoration Series

Title: What Lies Within (5/6)
Author: D.L. Witherspoon
Public: R
Genre: Humor, Action/Adventure, Casual, Angst, Pre-Slash, Long Fic

Summary: As Methos remembers more and more about his past, Duncan is convinced that his friend has his own demon to face...


Settings ==> There is always a strong continuity with the previous parts as pieces come together to form a more completed puzzle. The additional flashbacks enlighten us and are "a propos" even if a bit disconcerting at first. Altogether, the author sets a really peculiar and consistent universe where she pulls with ease the strings of her characters.

Characters ==> The good and bad points of the characters haven't changed and what was right for the previous parts remains here. While most of the characters and particularly Methos are over-whatever-you-want, Duncan does keep a certain freshness which brings with the light tone some sort of redemptive balance to the story.

Plot ==> The fic is a precursor to the last stage of the series and in that perspective it sets a particular atmosphere and universe. The structure follows the same pattern than some of the previous part: something threatening appears that involves Methos and our heroes have to deal with it. In the end, the process reveals informations on Methos' Past.

Style ==> Nothing particular to add to what have been already said. Well mastered writing, good blending, highly enjoyable... informative but mysterious, serious but light...

Interest ==> The explanations come little by little but not enough to satisfy our curiosity. There is still a lot we don't yet know or even suspect because we can't be sure of what lies behind the curtain. This overall urge we feel to know the whole picture is definitely catching our interest.

In conclusion ==> While again the series flirts dangerously with an intoxicating overdose of heroworship, it is easy to let it pass and simply enjoy it. Anyway the more it goes on, the more we, DM/M fans, are... frustrated by the lack of "fulfilment" in their relationship...

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casual, long fic, humor, rec, r, action/adventure, pre-slash, angst

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