>> One in a lifetime <<
Series Title:
The Restoration Series Title:
Boats against the Current (3/6)
Author: D.L. Witherspoon
Public: R
Genre: Humor, Action/Adventure, Casual, Drama, Angst, Pre-Slash, Long Fic
Summary: While our heroes are in the middle of a casual and joking life at the university, a seeming organized group of Immortals arrives at Seacouver hunting for the legendary Methos.
Settings ==> After two parts, the universe the author tries to share with us, is finally more consistent and stands stronger. The previous events are referred same as some elements from Highlander's Mythology but they still aren't explored further, favouring to focus on the present and what is soon to come. We see an obvious will to show the two faces of the double life of Immortals, but the take on is slightly different as there is no angst over hiding a secret, over the fear to endanger people... Not that we don't see this particular things happen but the matters are eluded, cut short. The picture in the end isn't shattered, fragmented... there is no seperated line between where the ordinary life begins and where the immortal life starts, everything is part of the whole, everything makes sense in the individuality of the characters.
Characters ==> So, the characters may be too fanon but this point of view encompassing every pieces to form a complex, living and evolving individual brings a lot of realism to a story which does need it because we in fact are subjected to a special case of Methos herosworship. But strangely we swallow the pill pretty nicely, there is enough relativity and staging so Methos isn't the only one on the scene. In fact other main characters and lots of secondary play on stage as well, and everybody are fitting well and fully in this story. Nobody is ignored over Methos so it is highly easy to forgive the undeniable slipping of the fic.
Plot ==> It is the first part of the series whose plot is really present and constructed thoughfully. Even if the plot seems simple, nothing is what it looks like. Again, the plot stays secondary to the characters, thing that you will see all along this series, so get used to it.
Style ==> I am amazed by the staging, how things that are so different, fit together and create a fresh, interestful, amusing and sentimental atmosphere. It is really a delight to read.
Interest ==> I should abhor this heroworship thing not because I dislike Methos (on the contrary I'm fan of Methos) but because I hate when anything becomes stereotypical. But here I can't stop myself from adoring and enjoying it immensely. Some scenes will be registered in my mind forever.
In conclusion ==> I am really admiring the author's perspective and talent. Unlike a lot of authors, she does have a bunch of excellent ideas and she packed them generously in this fic, staging it in a way that magnifies them. This third piece of the series constitutes the first peak where there is an almost perfect balance in the author's style.
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